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Growth and characterization of InGaN blue LED structure on Si(111) by MOCVD

Mo Chunlan, Fang Wenqing, Pu Yong, Liu Hechu, and Jiang Fengyi

Journal of Crystal Growth, 2005, 285(3): 312-317. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2005.08.046.

High-performance InGaN blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on Si(111) substrates were fabricated by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Crack-free films were obtained using Ga-rich GaN high-temperature buffer. The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the (002) X-ray rocking curve and the (102) X-ray rocking curve were 343 and 520 arcsec, respectively, which indicate that the LED wafer on Si is of high crystalline quality. The operating voltage of 3.8 V, turn-on voltage about 2.5 V and series resistance of 47 Ω were obtained for the LED. The electroluminescence peaks at 460 nm with a FWHM about 28 nm at 20 mA current. In addition, the LED shows an EL intensity of 20 mcd at an injection current of 20 mA. These characteristics are comparable to those of LED on sapphire.