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[1] Jiawen Hu; Chengcheng Shan; Shiqing Zhao; Aili Zhang ; Study of personal thermoregulatory responses after environmental cold step-change for group classification, Building and Environment, 2022, 224;

[2] Jiawen Hu; Chengcheng Shan; Jianhong Wu; Aili Zhang; Guoliang Ding; L.X. Xu ; A cooperative ceiling air supply method to satisfy personal thermal preferences in a discretionary indoor position, Journal of Building Engineering, 2020, 31;

[3] Chengcheng Shan; Jiawen Hu; Jincheng Zou; Aili Zhang ; Wearable Personal Core Body Temperature Measurement Considering Individual Differences and Dynamic Tissue Blood Perfusion, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022, 26(5): 2158-2168;

[4] Shan, Chengcheng; Hu, Jiawen; Wu, Jianhong; Zhang, Aili; Ding, Guoliang; Xu, Lisa X. ; Towards non-intrusive and high accuracy prediction of personal thermal comfort using a few sensitive physiological parameters, Energy and Buildings, 2020, 207 ;

[5] Jianhong Wu; Chengcheng Shan; Jiawen Hu; Jianqi Sun; Aili Zhang ; Rapid Establishment Method of a Personalized Thermal Comfort Prediction Model, 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, GERMANY


[1] 张爱丽; 胡嘉文; 单橙橙; 吴建宏; 丁国良; 徐学敏 ; 一种顶板分布式多风口协同个性化送风方法及送风系统, 2021-04-27, 中国, ZL201910656571.3

[2] 张爱丽; 单橙橙; 胡嘉文; 邹金成; 庄大伟; 丁国良; 徐学敏 ; 一种基于人体热调节能力的跟踪式中央空调系统, 2020-10-23, 中国, ZL201810937638.6