













1. 李琴, 马涛,沈瑞昌. 长江大保护战略、政策与行动. 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2022.

2. 兰志春, 黎磊, 沈瑞昌译. Paul A. Keddy著, 湿地生态学:原理与保护 (第二版). 北京: 高等教育出版社, 800千字, 2018.

3. 郑云普, 徐明, 沈瑞昌, 周浩然, 郝立华. 农田生态系统关键生理生化过程对气候变暖的响应与适应. 北京: 科学出版社, 263千字, 2018.


1. Lei Xu, Qian Hu, Minfei Jian, Kai Mao, Zetian Liu, Wei Liao, Yumei Yan, Ruichang Shen, Aiwen Zhong. Exploring the optical properties and molecular characteristics of dissolved organic matter in a large river-connected lake (Poyang Lake, China) using optical spectroscopy and FT-ICR MS analysis. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 879:162999.

2. Xingyun Huang, Kexin Wang, Xiuting Wen, Jie Liu, Yan Zhang, Jun Rong, Ming Nie, Chun Fu, Bofu Zheng, Zhifen Yuan, Leiqiang Gong, Huiying Zhan, Ruichang Shen*. Flooding duration affects the temperature sensitivity of soil extracellular enzyme activities in a lakeshore wetland in Poyang Lake, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 874: 162397.

3. Ruichang Shen, Xingyun Huang, Xiuting Wen, Jie Liu, Hocheol Song, Christoph Weihrauch, Jörg Rinklebe, Hong Yang, Zhifen Yuan, Bofu Zheng, Chun Fu. The determining factors of sediment nutrient content and stoichiometry along profile depth in seasonal water, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 856: 158972.

4. Ruichang Shen, Hong Yang, Jörg Rinklebe, Nanthi Bolan, Qiwu Hu, Xinyun Huang, Xiuting Wen, Bofu Zheng, Lei Shi. Seasonal flooding wetland expansion would strongly affect soil and sediment organic carbon storage and carbon-nutrient stoichiometry, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 828: 154427.

5. BinSong Jin, Kirk O. Winemiller, Wenwei Ren, Dave Tickner, Xiaohua Wei, Li Guo, Qin Li, Hui Zhang, Paulo Santos Pompeu, Marc Goichot, Sikai Wang, Ruichang Shen, Xiaoping Wu. Basin-scale approach needed for Yangtze River fisheries restoration, Fish and Fisheries, 2022, 23(4): 1009-1015.

6. 黄幸运, 温秀婷, 张研, 戎俊, 聂明, 郑博福, 沈瑞昌*. 鄱阳湖苔草洲滩湿地土壤胞外酶活性和化学计量比随高程的变化特征, 湖泊科学, 2022, 34(3): 894-905.

7. 沈瑞昌, 马涛, 陈家宽, 李琴. 基于文献计量的长江保护研究特征与科技支撑建议, 人民长江, 2022, 51(1): 43-53.

8. Shen Ruichang, Lan Zhichun, Jörg Rinklebe, Nie Ming, Hu Qiwu, Yan Zhifeng, Fang Changming, Jin Bingsong, Chen Jiakuan. Flooding variations affect soil bacterial communities at the spatial and inter-annual scales, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 759: 143471.

9. Lan Zhichun, Chen Yasong, Shen Ruichang, Cai Yongjiu, Luo Hao, Jin Binsong, Chen Jiakuan. Effects of flooding duration on wetland plant biomass: the importance of soil nutrients and season, Freshwater Biology, 2021, 66(2): 211-222.

10. Shen Ruichang, Lan Zhichun, Huang Xingyun, Chen Yasong, Hu Qiwu, Fang Changming, Jin Binsong, Chen Jiakuan. Soil and plant characteristics during two hydrologically contrasting years at the lakeshore wetland of Poyang Lake, China, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 20(9): 3368-3379.

11. Shen Ruichang, Xu Ming, Chi Yonggang, Yu Shen, Wan Shiqiang, He Nianpeng. Microbial membranes related to the thermal acclimation of soil heterotrophic respiration in a temperate steppe in northern China, European Journal of Soil Science, 2020, 71(3): 484-494.

12. Chen Yasong, Camille Stagg, Cai Yongjiu, Lü Xiaotao, Wang Xiaolong, Shen Ruichang, Lan Zhichun. Scaling responses of leaf nutrient stoichiometry to the lakeshore flooding duration gradient across different organizational levels, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 740: 139740.

13. Chi Yonggang, Yang Qingpeng, Zhou Lei, Shen Ruichang, Zheng Shuxia, Zhang Zhaoyang, Zhang Zhenzhen, Xu Ming, Wu Chaofan, Lin Xingwen, Jin Jia. Temperature sensitivity in individual components of ecosystem respiration increases along vertical gradient of leaf-stem-soil in three subtropical forests, Forests, 2020, 11 (2): 140.

14. Shen Ruichang, Lan Zhichun, Chen Yasong, Leng Fei, Jin Binsong, Fang Changming, Chen Jiakuan. The effects of flooding regimes and soil nutrients on lakeshore plant diversity in a pristine lake and a human managed lake in subtropical China, Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2019, 34(1): 757-769.

15. 沈瑞昌, 兰志春, 方长明, 陈家宽.“堑秋湖”围堤改变鄱阳湖洲滩湿地土壤碳循环过程, 湖泊科学, 2018, 30 (5): 1260-1270.

16. 沈瑞昌, 徐明, 方长明, 陈家宽. 全球变暖背景下土壤微生物呼吸的热适应性:证据, 机理和争议, 生态学报, 2018, 38(1): 11-19.

17. 邵蕊, 赵苗苗, 赵芬, 沈瑞昌, 刘丽香, 张丽云, 徐明. 施肥对油茶园土壤呼吸和异养呼吸及其温度敏感性的影响, 生态学报, 2018, 38(7): 2315-2322.

18. 赵苗苗, 赵海凤, 李仁强, 张丽云, 赵峰侠, 刘丽香, 沈瑞昌, 徐明. 青海省1998-2012年草地生态系统服务功能价值评估, 自然资源学报, 2017, 32(3): 418-433.

19. Shen Ruichang, Xu Ming, Li Renqiang, Zhao Fengxia, Sheng Qingkai. Spatial variability of soil microbial biomass and its relationships with edaphic, vegetational and climatic factors in the Three-River Headwaters region on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Applied soil ecology, 2015, 95: 191-203.

20. Liu Lixiang, Xu Ming, Qiu Shuai, Shen Ruichang. Spatial patterns of benthic bacterial communities in a large lake, International Review of Hydrobiology, 2015, 100: 97-105.

21. 沈瑞昌, 张光辉, 张永萱, 徐明. 黄土高原小流域次暴雨洪峰流量影响因素分析, 中国水土保持科学, 2015, 13(2): 22-28. 

22. Shen Ruichang, Xu Ming, Chi Yonggang, Yu Shen, Wan ShiQiang. Soil microbial responses to experimental warming and nitrogen addition in a temperate steppe of northern China, Pedosphere, 2014, 24(4): 427-436.

23. Yang Qingpeng, Xu Ming, Chi Yonggang, Zheng Yunpu, Shen Ruichang, Wang Silong. Effects of freeze damage on litter production, quality and decomposition in a loblolly pine forest in central china, Plant and Soil, 2014, 374(1): 449-458.

24. 袁志芬, 黄桂林, 莫宏伟, 沈瑞昌, 徐明, 邱帅, 赵峰侠, 李仁强. 四川省宝兴县生态系统生物碳储量动态评估, 林业资源管理, 2014, 1:82-88.

25. Chi Yonggang, Xu Ming, Shen Ruichang, Yang Qingpeng, Huang Binru, Wan Shiqiang. Acclimation of foliar respiration and photosynthesis in response to experimental warming in a temperate steppe in northern China, Plos One, 2013, 8 (2): e56482.

26. Chi Yonggang, Xu Ming, Shen Ruichang, Wan Shiqiang. Acclimation of leaf dark respiration to nocturnal and diurnal warming in a semiarid temperate steppe, Functional Plant Biology, 2013, 40(11): 1159-1167.

27. Zheng Yunpu, Xu Ming, Shen Ruichang, Qiu Shuai. Effects of artificial warming on the structural, physiological, and biochemical changes of maize (Zea mays L.) leaves in northern China, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013, 35(10): 2891-2904.

28. Zheng Yunpu, Xu Ming, Hou Ruixing, Shen Ruichang, Qiu Shuai, Ouyang Zhu, Effects of experimental warming on stomatal traits in leaves of maize (Zea may L.), Ecology and Evolution, 2013, 3(9): 3095-3111.

29. Zheng Yunpu, Yang Qingpeng, Xu Ming, Chi Yonggang, Shen Ruichang, Li Peixue, Dai Huitang. Responses of Pinus massoniana and Pinus taeda to freezing in temperate forests in central China, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2012, 27: 520-531.

30. Yang Qingpeng, Xu Ming, Chi Yonggang, Zheng Yunpu, Shen Ruichang, Li Peixue, Dai Huitang. Temporal and spatial variation of stem CO2 efflux in three species in subtropical China, Journal of Plant Ecology, 2012, 5: 229-237.

31. Zhang Guanghui, Shen Ruichang, Luo Rongting, Cao Ying, Zhang XC. Effects of sediment load on hydraulics of overland flow on steep slopes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2010, 35: 1811-1819.

32. Zhang Guanghui, Luo Rongting, Cao Ying, Shen Ruichang, Zhang XC. Impacts of sediment load on Manning coefficient in supercritical shallow flow on steep slopes, Hydrological Process, 2010, 24(26): 3909-3914.

33. Zhang Guanghui, Luo Rongting, Cao Ying, Shen Ruichang, Zhang XC. Correction factor to dye-measured flow velocity under varying water and sediment discharges and slopes, Journal of Hydrology, 2010, 389: 205-213.

34. 沈瑞昌, 吴秀芹, 朱清科. 黄土区适宜性植物群落优化配置——以陕西省延安市吴起县为例, 干旱区资源与环境, 2010, 24(4): 150-155.

35. 罗榕婷, 张光辉, 沈瑞昌, 曹颖. 染色法测量坡面流流速的最佳测流区长度研究, 水文, 2010, 30(3): 5-9.