









姓名拼音:xu yu



徐瑜,男,博士,讲师,湖南永州人,中国通信学会会员,中国电子学会会员,CCF物联网和互联网专业委员会委员。2023年6月获北京邮电大学信息与通信工程专业博士学位,目前主要从事下一代无线通信关键技术研究,包括智能超表面、通感一体化、近场通信、无人机通信、边缘计算等。在IEEE TWC、IEEE TCOM、IEEE TVT、IEEE WCL/CL等学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,主持和参与多个科研项目,包括国家基金委项目、北京市基金委项目、江西省重点研发课题等,参与并获得2021年江西省科学技术进步奖一等奖,指导学生获得研究生电子设计大赛在内的多项竞赛名次



2023.07 - 至今                南昌大学                  讲师

2019.09 - 2023.06          北京邮电大学           博士研究生


  1. 近场通信感知一体化网络智能波束设计方法研究国家自然科学基金,主持,在研

  2. 江西省“专精特新”企业现状与对策研究,企业横向,主持,在研

  3. 林下黄精种植水肥一体化示范基地建设,企业横向,主持,在研

  4. 基于智能超表面的无人机边缘计算技术研究,北邮博创基金,主持,结题

  5. 无人机辅助的移动边缘计算系统资源分配和轨迹优化,北邮博创基金,主持,结题

  6. 无人机对地通信系统的优化传输策略设计研究,国家自然科学基金,参与,结题

  7. 无人机辅助蜂窝网络中多级协同缓存方法研究,国家自然科学基金,参与,结题

  8. 面向任务驱动的多无人机算力网络协同计算方法研究,北京市自然科学基金,参与,在研

  9. 面向智慧水务的全链物联设备与系统研发及其应用推广,参与(获2021年江西省科学技术进步奖一等奖),结题

  10. 基于城市信息模型的移动蜂窝网络优化与资源调度关键技术研究与应用示范,江西省重点研发计划,参与,在研

  11. 基于多模态全光融合的空地协同安防物联网系统研发,江西省重点研发计划,参与,在研






1、  Z. Deng, F. Wu, Y. Xu, D. Yang and L. Xiao, "Energy Minimization for Radio Map-based UAV Pickup and Delivery Logistics System," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, early access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3430320. 

2、  J. Chen, Y. Xu*, D. Yang and T. Zhang, "UAV-Assisted ISCC Networks: Joint Resource and Trajectory Optimization," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, early access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/LWC.2024.3415084.(通讯作者)

3、  Y. Xu, F. Wu, Y. Zou, D. Yang and Y. Liu, "Pair Scheduling and Beamforming in STAR-RIS Empowered ISAC Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, early access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3416110.

4、  Yujing Chen, Dingcheng Yang, Lin Xiao, Fahui Wu, and Yu Xu, “Optimal Trajectory Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Cargo Pickup and Delivery System based on Radio Map,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, early access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3382170.

5、  Yu Xu, T. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Yang, L. Xiao, and M. Tao, "3D Multi-UAV Computing Networks: Computation Capacity and Energy Consumption Tradeoff," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, early access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3372292.

6、  D. Yang, J. Wang, F. Wu, L. Xiao, Y. Xu, and T. Zhang, "Energy Efficient Transmission Strategy for Mobile Edge Computing Network in UAV-Based Patrol Inspection System," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 5984-5998, May 2024.

7、  T. Zhang, C. Chen, Yu Xu, et al. Joint task scheduling and multi-UAV deployment for aerial computing in emergency communication networks. Science China Information Sciences, 2023, 66(9): 192303.

8、  T. Zhang, Yu Xu, J. Loo, D. Yang, and L. Xiao, “Joint Computation and Communication Design for UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing in IoT,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 5505-5516, Aug. 2020.ESI高被引论文)

9、  Yu Xu, T. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Yang, L. Xiao, and M. Tao, “Computation Capacity Enhancement by Joint UAV and RIS Design in IoT,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 20, pp. 20590-20603, Oct. 2022.

10、           Yu Xu T. Zhang, J. Loo, D. Yang, and L. Xiao, “Completion Time Minimization for UAV-Assisted Mobile-Edge Computing Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 12253-12259, Nov. 2021. 

11、           Yu Xu, T. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Yang, L. Xiao, and M. Tao, “UAV-Assisted MEC Networks With Aerial and Ground Cooperation,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 7712-7727, Dec. 2021.

12、           Yu Xu, T. Zhang, D. Yang, Y. Liu, and M. Tao, “Joint Resource and Trajectory Optimization for Security in UAV-Assisted MEC Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 573-588, Jan. 2021.

13、           Yu Xu, T. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Yang, L. Xiao, and M. Tao, “Cellular-Connected Multi-UAV MEC Networks: An Online Stochastic Optimization Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 6630-6647, Oct. 2022.

14、           Yu Xu, T. Zhang, Y. Liu and D. Yang, “UAV-Enabled Integrated Sensing, Computing, and Communication: A Fundamental Trade-off,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 843-847, May 2023.

15、           Yu Xu, T. Zhang, Y. Zou, and Y. Liu, “Reconfigurable Intelligence Surface Aided UAV-MEC Systems With NOMA,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 2121-2125, Sept. 2022.

16、           L. Xiao, Yu Xu, D. Yang, and Y. Zeng, “Secrecy Energy Efficiency Maximization for UAV-Enabled Mobile Relaying,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 180-193, Mar. 2020.

17、           Yu Xu, L. Xiao, D. Yang, Q. Wu, and L. Cuthbert, “Throughput Maximization in Multi-UAV Enabled Communication Systems With Difference Consideration,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 55291-55301, 2018.

18、           Yu Xu, L. Xiao, D. Yang, L. Cuthbert, and Y. Wang, “Throughput Maximization in UAV-Enabled Mobile Relaying With Multiple Source Nodes,” Physical Communication, vol. 33, pp. 26-34, 2019. 

19、           Yu Xu, L. Xiao, D. Yang, L. Cuthbert, and Y. Wang, “Energy-Efficient UAV Communication With Multiple GTs Based on Trajectory Optimization,” Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2018, 2018.

20、           J. Jin, Yu Xu, L. Xiao, T. Zhang, and D. Yang, “3D Trajectory Design and Resource Managment for UAV-assisted Multi-user Two-way Transmission System,” Vehicular Communications, vol. 38, 2022.

21、           B. Zuo, D. Yang, Yu Xu, L. Xiao, and T. Zhang, “Joint resource optimization and trajectory design for energy minimization in UAV-assisted mobile-edge computing systems,” accepted by Computer Communications, 2023.

22、           Y. Li, D. Yang, Yu Xu, L. Xiao, and H. Chen, “Throughput Maximization for UAV-Enabled Relaying in Wireless Powered Communication Networks,” Sensors, vol.19, no.13, 2019. 



1、  Yu Xu, T. Zhang, D. Yang, and L. Xiao, “UAV-Assisted Relaying and MEC Networks: Resource Allocation and 3D Deployment,” in proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2021, pp. 1-6.

2、  Yu Xu, H. Tian, T. Zhang, D. Yang, and L. Xiao, “Stochastic Resource Management and Trajectory Optimization for Cellular-Connected Multi-UAV Mobile Edge Computing Systems, ” in proc. International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), Shenzhen, China, 2022, pp. 1-6.

3、  Y. Luo, Yu Xu, and T. Zhang, “Completion Time Minimization for Content Delivery in Cache-Enabled UAV Networks,” in proc. Computing, Communications and IoT Applications (ComComAp), Shenzhen, China, 2021, pp. 268-273.

4、  Y. Luo, Yu Xu, T. Zhang, and H. Shen, “Completion Time Minimization for Content Delivery in Cache-Enabled Multi-UAV Networks,” in proc. International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), 2022.

5、  J. Wang, D. Yang, F. Wu, Yu Xu, L. Xiao, and T. Zhang, “Energy Minimization for Cellular-Connected UAV-MEC Patrol Inspection Systems,” in proc. IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 2022, pp. 389-394. 



1、  张天魁,徐瑜,刘元玮,杨鼎成,任元红无人机辅助MEC系统:架构、关键技术与未来挑战,电信科学,2022, 38(08):3-16.